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Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection: Game Review

Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection is a compilation of six Mega Man RPGs that were originally released on the Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS. 

The collection includes both versions of each game, which have slight differences in the story, characters, and bosses. 

The collection also features restored content that was previously exclusive to Japan or eReader cards, as well as online play and leaderboards. 

In this review, I will share my thoughts on the following topics:

Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection – Switch

Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection - Switch

What are the best tips and tricks for playing Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection?

The core gameplay of Mega Man Battle Network is a mix of real-time action and turn-based strategy.

You control Mega Man, a digital avatar of your character Lan, as he fights viruses and other enemies in cyberspace.

You can move Mega Man on a 3×3 grid and use various weapons and abilities called Battle Chips, which you can customize in your folder before each battle.

The Battle Chips are the key to winning battles, as they have different effects, ranges, elements, and compatibilities.

You can select up to five chips per turn, but you can only choose chips that have the same code letter or are the same type.

For example, you can select Cannon A, Sword A, and WideSword A, or you can select Cannon ‘, Sword ‘, and WideSword ‘, where ‘ is a wildcard code.

You can also select Program Advances, which are powerful combinations of specific chips in a certain order, such as Cannon A, Cannon B, and Cannon C.

Some tips and tricks for playing Mega Man Battle Network are:

Experiment with different chips and folders to find the ones that suit your playstyle and the enemies you face.

You can collect chips by defeating enemies, buying them from shops, trading them with other players, or finding them in hidden locations.

Pay attention to the elements of the chips and the enemies.

Each element has a strength and a weakness against another element. For example, fire chips are strong against wood enemies but weak against water enemies. You can also use elemental panels on the grid to boost your damage or reduce the damage you take.

Use the Navi Customizer to enhance Mega Man’s abilities and stats.

You can equip different programs that have various effects, such as increasing your HP, speed, or attack power, or giving you special skills, such as auto-heal, air-shoes, or super armor. However, you have to follow some rules when placing the programs, such as not overlapping them, not exceeding the memory limit, or not using incompatible colors.

Take advantage of the online features and multiplayer modes.

You can connect with other players online and trade chips, battle each other, or cooperate in special missions. You can also compete in the leaderboards and see how you rank among other players in terms of speed, score, or completion.

Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection game image

How does Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection compare to the original GBA games?

Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection is a faithful port of the original GBA games, with some minor improvements and additions.

The graphics and sound are the same as the originals, but they have been upscaled and enhanced for modern platforms.

The gameplay and controls are also the same, but you can adjust the button layout, the screen size, and the filter options to your preference.

You can also use the rewind feature to undo your mistakes or the turbo feature to speed up the game.

The main difference between the collection and the originals is the restored content and the online play.

The collection includes all the content that was previously exclusive to Japan or eReader cards, such as extra chips, battles, scenarios, and modes.

For example, you can access the Bass Cross Mega Man form, which was only available in Japan, or the Secret Area, which was only accessible with eReader cards.

You can also play online with other players, which was not possible in the originals, or use the save transfer feature to carry over your progress from one game to another.

Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection – PS4

Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection - PS4

Which game in Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection is your favorite and why?

This is a subjective question, as each game in the collection has its strengths and weaknesses, and different players may have different preferences and opinions.

However, based on my personal experience, I would say that my favorite game in the collection is Mega Man Battle Network 3, either the Blue or the White version. 

Here are some of the reasons why I like this game the most:

  • It has the best story and characters in the series, in my opinion. The plot is engaging and emotional, with twists and turns, and the characters are memorable and likable, with their personalities and motivations. The game also explores the themes of friendship, family, and sacrifice, and how they affect Lan and Mega Man’s relationship and growth.
  • It has the most content and replay value in the series, in my opinion. The game is long and challenging, with many side quests, secrets, and optional bosses to discover and complete. The game also has a post-game mode called Navi Customizer, where you can customize your own Navi and battle other players’ Navis online or offline. The game also has a lot of variety and diversity in the chips, folders, programs, and enemies, which makes the gameplay more fun and strategic.
  • It has the best balance and mechanics in the series, in my opinion. The game is not too easy or too hard, but just right for casual and hardcore players alike. The game also has some of the best features and innovations in the series, such as the Navi Customizer, the Style Change system, the Virus Breeder, the Secret Area, and the Program Advances. The game also has some of the best music and sound effects in the series, in my opinion.
Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection game image 1

What are some of the most memorable moments or battles in the Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection?

There are many memorable moments and battles in the collection, as each game has its highlights and surprises. 

However, some of the ones that stand out to me are:

  • The final battle against Alpha is in Mega Man Battle Network 3, where Lan and Mega Man have to face the ultimate threat to the cyberworld, a powerful and ancient virus that can destroy everything in its path. The battle is intense and epic, with multiple phases and forms, and a dramatic climax where Lan and Mega Man have to sacrifice themselves to save the world.
  • The battle against Bass in Mega Man Battle Network 5, where Lan and Mega Man have to fight the strongest and most mysterious Navi in the series, who has a grudge against them and wants to prove his superiority. The battle is challenging and thrilling, with Bass using his signature attacks and abilities, such as the Dark Aura, the Gospel Breath, and the Bass Cross. The battle also has a personal and emotional aspect, as Bass reveals his backstory and his connection to Mega Man.
  • The battle against Nebula Gray in Mega Man Battle Network 6, where Lan and Mega Man have to face the final boss of the series, a dark and evil entity that is the embodiment of all the negative emotions and data in the cyberworld. The battle is climactic and satisfying, with Nebula Gray using his devastating attacks and transformations, and Lan and Mega Man using their ultimate forms and skills, such as the Beast Out, the Cross System, and the Double Soul. The battle also has a nostalgic and sentimental aspect, as it marks the end of Lan and Mega Man’s adventures and the series as a whole.

Mega Man Battle Network: Dark Mega Man Model Kit

Mega Man Battle Network: Dark Mega Man Model Kit

How do you unlock all the bonus content and features in Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection?

The collection has a lot of bonus content and features that you can unlock by playing the games and meeting certain conditions. 

Some of the bonus content and features are:

Extra chips:

You can unlock extra chips that were previously exclusive to Japan or eReader cards by completing certain tasks or using certain codes.

For example, you can unlock the Bass Cross Mega Man chip by beating Bass in Mega Man Battle Network 5, or you can unlock the Punk chip by entering the code 01697824 in Mega Man Battle Network 3.

Extra battles:

You can unlock extra battles that were previously exclusive to Japan or eReader cards by completing certain tasks or using certain codes.

For example, you can unlock the battle against Serenade in Mega Man Battle Network 3 by reaching the end of the Secret Area, or you can unlock the battle against JapanMan in Mega Man Battle Network 6 by entering the code 69548756.

Extra scenarios:

You can unlock extra scenarios that were previously exclusive to Japan or eReader cards by completing certain tasks or using certain codes.

For example, you can unlock the scenario where you can play as Protoman in Mega Man Battle Network 5 by beating the game and entering the code 03284579, or you can unlock the scenario where you can play as Bass in Mega Man Battle Network 6 by beating the game and entering the code 29387483.

Extra modes:

You can unlock extra modes that were previously exclusive to Japan or eReader cards by completing certain tasks or using certain codes.

For example, you can unlock the Hard Mode in Mega Man Battle Network 2 by beating the game and entering the code 46292983, or you can unlock the Survival Mode in Mega Man Battle Network 4 by beating the game and entering the code 87412146.

Online play:

You can unlock the online play feature by completing the tutorial in each game.

You can then connect with other players online and trade chips, battle each other, or cooperate in special missions.

You can also compete in the leaderboards and see how you rank among other players in terms of speed, score, or completion.

Save transfer:

You can unlock the save transfer feature by completing the tutorial in each game.

You can then transfer your saved data from one game to another, and keep your chips, folders, programs, and styles.

You can also access some exclusive content and features that are only available with save transfer, such as the Bass Cross Mega Man form in Mega Man Battle Network 6.

Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection game image 2

What are some of the differences and similarities between the two versions of each game of Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection?

Starting from Mega Man Battle Network 3, each game in the series has two versions, which have slight differences in the story, characters, bosses, chips, and modes.

For example, in Mega Man Battle Network 3, the Blue version has an extra boss called Serenade, while the White version has an extra style called Bug Style.

In Mega Man Battle Network 6, the Cybeast Gregar version has a different final boss and a different Beast Out form than the Cybeast Falzar version.

However, the two versions of each game also have many similarities, as they follow the same main plot and gameplay mechanics.

For example, in Mega Man Battle Network 5, both the Team ProtoMan and the Team Colonel versions have the same Liberation Missions and the same Dark Soul system.

In Mega Man Battle Network 4, both the Red Sun and the Blue Moon versions have the same tournament structure and the same Double Soul system.

The collection allows players to experience both versions of each game, and also to transfer their saved data from one version to another.

This way, players can access some exclusive content and features that are only available with save transfer, such as the Bass Cross Mega Man form in Mega Man Battle Network 6.

The collection also includes all the content that was previously exclusive to Japan or eReader cards, such as extra chips, battles, scenarios, and modes.

KOTOBUKIYA Mega Man Battle Network: Mega Man Model Kit, Multi

KOTOBUKIYA Mega Man Battle Network: Mega Man Model Kit, Multi

How do you use the online features and multiplayer modes?

One of the most exciting features of Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection is the online play, which allows players to connect with other players around the world and enjoy various modes and activities.

The online play feature can be accessed by completing the tutorial in each game, and then selecting the NetBattle option from the main menu.

The online play feature has three main categories:

NetBattle, Trade, and Compare. Each category has different sub-categories based on the game and the type of feature. 

Here is a brief overview of each category and sub-category:


This is where you can battle against other players using your customized Mega Man and folder.

You can choose between a Private Match, where you can invite your friends or join their rooms, or a Public Match, where you can compete with random players in ranked matches.


This is where you can trade chips, styles, and programs with other players.

Chips are the weapons and abilities that you use in battles, styles are the forms and skills that you can equip on Mega Man, and programs are the parts that you can install on Mega Man to enhance his performance.

You can trade chips with hi-res art, styles with custom looks, and programs with different effects.


This is where you can share information and records with other players. You can compare libraries, which are the collections of chips that you have obtained in each game, or compare records, which are the deletion times that you have achieved in each game.

You can also view the leaderboards and see how you rank among other players in terms of speed, score, or completion.

The online play feature also includes a Download Chips feature, which lets you acquire rare chips that were previously exclusive to events or other regions.

You can use these chips in your battles or trade them with other players.

The online play feature also supports the save transfer feature, which lets you transfer your saved data from one game to another, and access some exclusive content and features that are only available with save transfer.

game image 3 Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection

What are some of the challenges or achievements that you have completed or want to complete?

Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection has a lot of challenges and achievements that you can complete by playing the games and meeting certain conditions.

Some of the challenges and achievements are based on the original games, such as collecting all the chips, styles, and programs, or defeating all the bosses and secret bosses.

Some of the challenges and achievements are based on the new features, such as using the Download Chips, the online play, or the save transfer.

Some of the challenges and achievements are based on the difficulty, such as completing the games on Hard Mode, or earning S ranks in battles.

Some of the challenges and achievements that I have completed or want to complete in Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection are:

Full Set:

Complete all six Mega Man games. This is one of the most rewarding achievements, as it shows that you have experienced the whole story and gameplay of the series.

It also unlocks the platinum trophy for the collection.

Gold x50:

Earn 50 gold medals by completing Challenges.

This is one of the most challenging achievements, as it requires you to master the skills and strategies of the games.

The Challenges are mini-games that test your speed, accuracy, and endurance in various scenarios.

Dr. Wily Forever:

Complete the Dr. Wily Forever Challenge. This is one of the most epic achievements, as it requires you to face the ultimate boss rush of the series.

The Dr. Wily Forever Challenge is a special mode where you have to fight all the final bosses of the six games in a row, with limited resources and time.

All You Need is Mega Buster:

Complete any Challenge marked with “NO ITEMS.”

This is one of the most impressive achievements, as it requires you to rely only on your basic weapon and skills.

The NO ITEMS Challenges are modes where you cannot use any chips, styles, programs, or items in battles.


Complete the “ALL ROBOT RUSH (NO ITEMS)” Challenge.

This is one of the most insane achievements, as it requires you to beat all the Robot Masters of the six games in a row, without using any chips, styles, programs, or items.

This is the ultimate test of your Mega Man Battle Network skills.

Bandai Shokugan SMP Kit Makes Pose Mega Man EXE Battle Network 01 Model Kit Set

Bandai Shokugan SMP Kit Makes Pose Mega Man EXE Battle Network 01 Model Kit Set


Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection is a must-have for fans of the Mega Man RPG series, as it offers a complete and enhanced experience of the six games that define the genre. 

The collection has a lot of content and features to enjoy, such as the restored content, the online play, the save transfer, and the challenges and achievements.

 The collection also has a lot of nostalgia and emotion, as it celebrates the 20th anniversary of the series and its legacy. 

Whether you are a veteran or a newcomer, the Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection is a great way to relive or discover the adventures and battles of Lan and Mega Man in the cyberworld. 

I hope you enjoyed this review and found it helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them below.

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