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Company of Heroes 3 image

Company of Heroes 3: A Review of the Latest WWII RTS Game

Company of Heroes 3 is the third installment in the acclaimed real-time strategy (RTS) series that focuses on the battles of World War II. 

The game was released in 2024 by Relic Entertainment and Sega and received positive reviews from critics and fans alike. 

In this blog post, I will explore some of the new features and improvements in Company of Heroes 3 compared to the previous games in the series, as well as some of the challenges and opportunities for players who want to immerse themselves in the historical and tactical aspects of the game.

  1. Features and Improvements.
  2. Realism and Historical Accuracy.
  3. Strategies and Tactics.
  4. Multiplayer Mode.
  5. Comparison with Previous Games.
  6. Pros and Cons.

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Company of Heroes 3: New Features and Improvements?

One of the most noticeable changes in Company of Heroes 3 is the introduction of a dynamic campaign map that allows players to choose their path and strategy across different regions and scenarios.

 The campaign map covers the Mediterranean theater of war, including Italy, North Africa, and Greece, and features various objectives, resources, and events that affect the gameplay and the story. 

Players can also customize their army composition, upgrade their units, and recruit special forces and heroes to enhance their performance on the battlefield.

Another major improvement in Company of Heroes 3 is the enhanced graphics and physics engine that create a more realistic and immersive experience for the players. 

The game boasts stunning visuals, detailed environments, and dynamic weather and lighting effects that add to the atmosphere and the challenge of the game.

 The game also features a more advanced destruction system that allows players to interact with the terrain and the structures in various ways, such as blowing up bridges, collapsing buildings, and creating cover and obstacles.

The game also offers a variety of new units, factions, and game modes that cater to different play styles and preferences. 

The game introduces two new factions: the British and the Italian, each with their unique units, abilities, and strategies. 

The game also features several new game modes, such as the Breach mode, where players have to infiltrate and capture enemy strongholds, and the Co-op mode, where players can team up with their friends and allies to complete missions and challenges.

Company of Heroes 3: Console Launch Edition – Xbox Series X

Company of Heroes 3: Console Launch Edition - Xbox Series X

Company of Heroes 3: Realism and Historical Accuracy?

Company of Heroes 3 is a game that strives to balance realism and historical accuracy with fun and accessibility.

 The game is based on extensive research and consultation with historians, veterans, and experts, and aims to recreate the authentic and diverse aspects of World War II warfare. 

The game also incorporates historical events, personalities, and locations that add to the depth and narrative of the game.

However, the game is not a simulation or a documentary, and it does not claim to be a faithful representation of the historical reality. 

The game makes some creative and gameplay choices that may deviate from the historical facts or the historical plausibility.

 For example, the game allows players to use units and weapons that were not available or widely used in actual battles, such as the Tiger tank or the V-2 rocket.

 The game also simplifies or exaggerates some of the aspects of the war, such as the logistics, the morale, and the casualties, to make the game more enjoyable and engaging for the players.

Therefore, the game should be seen as a form of entertainment and education, not as a source of historical truth or a tool of historical revisionism. 

The game does not intend to glorify or trivialize the war, nor to endorse or condemn any of the sides or ideologies involved in the war. 

The game respects the history and the memory of the war but also acknowledges the limitations and challenges of representing the war in a video game format.

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Company of Heroes 3: Strategies and Tactics?

Company of Heroes 3 is a game that requires players to use their skills, knowledge, and creativity to overcome the challenges and the enemies that they face.

 The game is not a simple click-fest or a rush-fest, but a complex and nuanced game that rewards strategic thinking, tactical planning, and situational awareness. 

The game also encourages players to experiment with different units, factions, and game modes, and to adapt to the changing conditions and circumstances of the game.

Some of the general strategies and tactics that players can use in Company of Heroes 3 are:

– Scout and recon:

The game features a fog of war system that limits the visibility and the information that players have about the enemy and the map. 

Therefore, it is important to scout and recon the area using units such as infantry, vehicles, or aircraft, and to use the terrain and the cover to conceal and protect your units.

 Scouting and recon can help you gain an advantage over the enemy by revealing their position, strengths, and weaknesses, and by allowing you to plan and execute your attacks accordingly.

– Capture and secure: 

The game features a resource system that depends on capturing and securing strategic points on the map, such as fuel, munitions, and victory points. 

These points provide you with the resources and the points that you need to build, upgrade, and deploy your units, and to win the game. 

Therefore, it is important to capture and secure these points as soon as possible, and to defend them from the enemy using units such as infantry, mines, or fortifications.

 Capturing and securing these points can help you gain an edge over the enemy by increasing your income and your score, and by denying them the same benefits.

– Flank and ambush: 

The game features a directional armor and damage system that affects the performance and the survivability of your units, especially the vehicles. 

Therefore, it is important to flank and ambush the enemy using units such as infantry, tanks, or artillery, and to use the terrain and the structures to hide and surprise your units. 

Flanking and ambushing the enemy can help you deal more damage and cause more casualties to the enemy by hitting their weak spots and vulnerable areas, and by avoiding their strong points and defenses.

– Support and synergize: 

The game features a diverse and complementary range of units, factions, and abilities that can work together to achieve greater results and effects. Therefore, it is important to support and synergize your units using units such as medics, engineers, or commanders, and to use the abilities and the upgrades that suit your units and your strategy.

 Supporting and synergizing your units can help you improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your units by healing, repairing, or enhancing them, and by creating combos and synergies that can overwhelm the enemy.

Company Of Heroes 3 Launch Edition With Metal Case

Company Of Heroes 3 Launch Edition With Metal Case

Company of Heroes 3: Multiplayer Mode?

Company of Heroes 3 is a game that offers a rich and competitive multiplayer mode that allows players to test their skills and their strategies against other players from around the world.

 The multiplayer mode features several options and settings that can customize and enhance the multiplayer experience, such as the faction, the map, the game mode, the difficulty, the rules, and the modifiers. 

The multiplayer mode also features a ranking and a matchmaking system that can match players with similar skill levels and preferences, and a leaderboard and a replay system that can track and showcase the performance and the progress of the players.

The multiplayer mode in Company of Heroes 3 is a challenging and rewarding mode that requires players to be prepared and adaptable to the dynamic and unpredictable nature of the game. 

The multiplayer mode also requires players to be respectful and cooperative with their teammates and their opponents, and to follow the rules and the etiquette of the game. 

The multiplayer mode is a mode that can provide players with hours of fun and excitement, as well as opportunities for learning and improvement.

Company Of Heroes 3 image 2

Comparison with Previous Games?

Company of Heroes 3 is a game that builds on the legacy and the success of the previous games in the series, Company of Heroes and Company of Heroes 2.

 The game retains the core gameplay and the mechanics of the series, such as the cover system, the suppression system, the veterancy system, and the doctrine system, that make the game unique and challenging. 

The game also preserves the historical and thematic aspects of the series, such as the authenticity, the diversity, and the intensity of the World War II setting.

However, the game also introduces some changes and innovations that make the game different and better than the previous games in the series.

 The game expands the scope and the scale of the game, by adding a new theater of war, a new campaign map, and new factions and units. 

The game also improves the quality and the realism of the game, by enhancing the graphics and the physics, and by adding new features and modes. 

The game also balances the difficulty and the accessibility of the game, by offering various options and settings that can suit different skill levels and preferences.

Therefore, the game is a game that respects and honors the previous games in the series, but also surpasses and transcends them. 

The game is a game that appeals to both old and new fans of the series and both veterans and newcomers to the genre. 

The game is a game that is worthy of being the third installment in the Company of Heroes series.

COBI Company of Heroes 3 M3A1 Stuart Tank

COBI Company of Heroes 3 M3A1 Stuart Tank

Pros and Cons:

Company of Heroes 3 is a game that has many pros and cons that can affect the enjoyment and satisfaction of the players. 

The game is not perfect, nor a flawless game, but a game that has strengths and weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages, benefits and drawbacks. 

The game is a game that can be praised and criticized, loved and hated, recommended and avoided, depending on the perspective and the expectation of the players.

Some of the pros of Company of Heroes 3 are:

– The game has a dynamic and immersive campaign map that allows players to choose their path and strategy across different regions and scenarios.

– The game has stunning and realistic graphics and physics that create a more authentic and immersive experience for the players.

– The game has a diverse and complementary range of units, factions, and abilities that can work together to achieve greater results and effects.

– The game has a rich and competitive multiplayer mode that allows players to test their skills and their strategies against other players from around the world.

Some of the cons of Company of Heroes 3 are:

– The game has a steep learning curve and a high difficulty level that can frustrate and discourage some players, especially the beginners and the casuals.

– The game has some bugs and glitches that can affect the performance and the stability of the game, and some balance issues that can affect the fairness and the fun of the game.

– The game has some creative and gameplay choices that can deviate from the historical facts or the historical plausibility, and some simplifications or exaggerations that can affect the realism and the accuracy of the game.

– The game has a high system requirement and a high price tag that can limit the accessibility and affordability of the game for some players.

COBI Company of Heroes 3 8.8 cm Flak

COBI Company of Heroes 3 8.8 cm Flak


Company of Heroes 3 is a game that delivers a thrilling and immersive experience of World War II warfare, with new features and improvements that make the game more realistic, diverse, and engaging. 

The game is a game that appeals to both casual and hardcore fans of the RTS genre and both history buffs and gamers alike. 

The game is a game that deserves to be played and enjoyed by anyone who loves strategy, tactics, and history. 

Company of Heroes 3 is a game that is not to be missed. 

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